Adventures await when you book a stay in our 365 ft² Standard King guestroom, fit for one or two. You are sure to have a restful night on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Take advantage of a private bathroom, with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Store and prepare food and drink items with in-room coffee making facilities and a microwave and refrigerator. Stay entertained for days with a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Experience the finer things in life when you stay in our 336 ft² King Room. This guestroom features a balcony offering stunning mountain and river views. A private bathroom offers fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. You are sure to sleep well on a supremely comfortable mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Click on a cable flat-screen TV to watch your favorite show or stay connected with our high-speed WiFi. Coffee making facilities are available for your pleasure, as well as a microwave and refrigerator. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
The mountains are calling! Enjoy a relaxing stay in Wenatchee in our 365 ft² King Room with a Sofa Bed guestroom, large enough for a party of four. Upload your nature pics online with our high-speed WiFi or catch the game on a cable flat-screen TV. Life is better with coffee, so be sure to take advantage of our in-room coffee making facilities. A microwave and refrigerator are provided, too! After a fun-filled day, wash up in a private bathroom and head to bed to wake up for another adventure. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Enjoy a relaxing retreat in our 336 ft² King Room with a Sofa Bed and Balcony guestroom. Wake up in the morning and prepare yourself a steaming cup of joe with our coffee making facilities. Then, head to the balcony to soak up stunning nature views. Stay entertained for days with a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. After a fun-filled day, wash up in a private bathroom with fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Life doesn’t get much better than staying in our 366 ft² Two Queen Beds guestroom. What’s better than a hot cup of Joe in the morning? Make one with our in-room coffee making facilities. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for your convenience. Enjoy the entertainment options of a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. A desk is provided if you need to finish some last-minute work. Freshen up in a private bathroom, stocked with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
After an adventurous day of hiking, retreat to our charming 336 ft² Two Queen Beds with Balcony guestroom. Prepare a cup of coffee with in-room coffee making facilities watch the morning news on a cable flat-screen TV or stay connected with our high-speed WiFi. This guestroom features a balcony with stunning views of the mountains and river. A private bathroom is stocked with fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Adventures await when you book a stay in our King Suite with Hot Tub, fit for two. You are sure to have a restful night on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Take advantage of a private bathroom with a hot tub, complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Store and prepare food and drink items with in-room coffee making facilities and a microwave and refrigerator. Stay entertained for days with a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Our Standard Accessible guestroom offers wheelchair access and has ADA compliant features for individuals who require assistance with mobility or audio/visual impairment. This spacious 365 ft² guest room provides sufficient area to navigate a wheelchair and a lowered king size bed to assist with lift from a wheelchair. You are sure to have a restful night on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Take advantage of a private accessible bathroom, with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. This bathroom features grab bars at the toilet and grab bars plus shower wand in the tub/shower combination. Store and prepare food and drink items with in-room coffee making facilities and a microwave and refrigerator. Stay entertained for days with a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom. Contact our friendly staff with any questions about our assistive amenities.